The following writings are FREE for you to Read, Share, Save, or Print. All are in 8 ½" x 11" format.

An Overview

This writing presents compact narratives on topics related to the creation, the nature of God, and the vision of God for mankind.  It presents the author’s reasoned “world view” on these topics, unburdened by a listing of “proof texts.”  It is hoped that the reader will find this writing to be useful food for thought. Continue to article

Head Versus Heart

You may know what you should do, but are you motivated by a heart that is right?  Simply going through the motions is not sufficient.  If your heart seeks salvation, you must have a personal and candid relationship with God through prayer, and enthusiastically help others in physical and/or spiritual need. Continue to article

More About Jesus

There is a hymn entitled “More About Jesus Would I Know”.  Would that everyone would be sincere about its lyrics to learn and understand about Jesus – His words, His will, His love, His saving grace, and His kingship.  Jesus has everything to do with your salvation and your future.  He is the way.  He will continue to do the will of His Father to bring many to salvation. Continue to article

Events Surrounding the Birth of Jesus

This article analyzes the timing and historical events surrounding Jesus’ birth. The reader may be surprised that the story of Jesus’ birth is not exactly as it is most commonly portrayed.  It is really much more fascinating.  This article is an excerpt from my short ebook, entitled “Christmas, Constantine, and the Bible,” which may be found on Continue to article

Lazarus and the Rich Man – A Parable

This writing first presents the general nature of a parable.  It then carefully analyzes the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man for what it does and does not illustrate. The parable itself provides perspective concerning salvation and the condition of one’s heart. Continue to article

When Jesus Cried Out

Near the end of His suffering on the cross, Jesus cried out with a loud voice in the Aramaic dialect.  Why did He do this?  Was there a special purpose for others present to hear these words from the prophetic Psalm 22 ?  Had His Father actually forsaken Him?  What did He pray to His Father after He cried out? Continue to article

Following the Rules or Not

God is the source of many good rules which can provide great benefit to ourselves and others.  And no doubt, God hopes we will follow the rules because we want to, not because we have to.  Too few take God or these rules seriously, but the time is coming when they will.  God has a plan to reach them. Continue to article

Is the Godhead a Trinity of Three Equal Persons?

This condensed writing presents Biblical teaching regarding the personages of the Godhead and their relationship.  The nature of the Holy Spirit is presented, which in turn casts light on what is commonly referred to as the unforgiveable sin.  Unavoidably, lots of scriptures are listed for the reader to check out. Continue to article

Before and After the Last Trump

This is a Bible study – one reads scriptures along the left margin that mesh with various comments and narrative.  A chronological listing of future events in relation to the blowing of the last or 7th trumpet of Revelation is included.  Jesus returns at that trump, at which time the saints are resurrected, and after that, the seven last plagues play out.  Topics related to the resurrection of the faithful at the last trump are also explored, including the concept of a secret rapture. Continue to article

A Tithing and Giving Study

Churches love to receive money.  Even churches which teach that Old Testament laws are done away find justification for asking folks to send them 10% of their income.  And yet the tithing requirement for the Israelites was only ever foodstuffs, donated three times per year, to feed the Levites who cared for the temple, which requirement is now defunct.  Today, who really needs our help the most?  How much does God hope we will give, and with what attitude?  To where or whom should we direct our giving? Continue to article

Phase Two

In case you die, will you live again?  In what circumstances will you find yourself?  What about others? This should be a topic of intense interest and investigation, yet too few think about it very much. Wouldn’t it be logical to plan ahead?  Does God have a plan by which the unsaved dead may have an opportunity to be saved?  If not, the devil wins big time, since most folks throughout history, and certainly most of the 8 billion souls living today, are not Christians and are not saved.  Do prevailing teachings marginalize the love, competency, and determination of God to achieve a vision of a huge eternal family?  The answers are in the Bible, hidden in plain sight from those who accept common dogma. Continue to article